Financial & Regulatory
At Sunderland Marine, we must comply with a number of key regulatory obligations. Find out more about the requirements and read the full reports below.
Sunderland Marine and NorthStandard Limited (NorthStandard)
Sunderland Marine is a trading name of the S&P Global ‘A’ rated marine mutual NorthStandard Limited or North of England P&I DAC.
NorthStandard Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. NorthStandard also operates two licensed branches in Australia and New Zealand, which offer our products under the Sunderland Marine trading name.
Sunderland Marine’s business in the EEA is underwritten by North of England P&I Designated Activity Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NorthStandard incorporated in Ireland and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
FATCA is designed to increase transparency for the US tax authorities in relation to US persons earning income through non-US institutions. FATCA imposes withholding tax obligations where required reporting obligations are not met. To support FATCA compliance, our FATCA Forms can be viewed on the NorthStandard, formerly North’s website.
Solvency Disclosures: New Zealand
NorthStandard Limited (NorthStandard) has calculated its solvency margin at 20th August 2024 as required by the UK Prudential Regulation Authority (NorthStandard Solo). NorthStandard is also required to produce a calculation for its Group (NorthStandard Group) and has done so as at 20th August 2024.
The actual solvency capital for NorthStandard at 20th August 2024 is NZ$836.7 million. The minimum solvency capital requirement is calculated using a risk based approach as NZ$310.9 million. The solvency margin, being actual solvency capital in excess of the minimum solvency capital requirement, is NZ$525.8 million and the solvency ratio is 269%.
NorthStandard Limited has an ‘A’ credit rating from the financial rating agency S&P Global.
Ratings are given between AAA – D.
For more information on S&P Global, please visit.
Our News
Our December 2024 Renewal Publication is available now!
Our December 2023 Renewal Publication. Available to view and download
Remembering our friend and former colleague, Doug Johnson.
Sunderland Marine presents Sea Fishing Apprentice of the Year Award
International maritime insurer helps clean up the North East coastline
WAR – JL2022-019 Territorial Exclusion