CHIRP issues their first safety newsletter for the fishing industry

CHIRP’s independent, confidential incident and near-miss maritime reporting programme has been extended to fishers.

The Confidential Human Factors Incident Reporting Programme has provided safety reports for mariners worldwide for over two decades, investigating every submitted report and publishing their anonymised findings to raise awareness of safety issues and lessons learned.

Because of the unique circumstances and challenges faced by the commercial fishing sector, CHIRP has introduced a new publication specifically for fishers, based on reports submitted by fishers. Their hope is to create a safe and non-judgemental learning environment where fishers can share, and learn from, the experiences of others, preventing similar incidents in the future and contributes to a safer maritime environment overall.

The first edition of CHIRP’s ‘Fisher Feedback’ (Autumn 2023) can be read here.

Reports can be submitted easily through their encrypted online form at