Vessel Search
You can now search for entered vessels on our NorthStandard website: north-standard.com.
On this site, you can search for any vessels insured by the NorthStandard Group (NorthStandard Limited, NorthStandard EU DAC (previously named North of England P&I DAC), The Standard Club UK Ltd, The Standard Club Asia Ltd. and The Standard Club Ireland DAC) as at today’s date and their key insurance documentation.
Visit the Vessel SearchAcceptance of sample blue cards – NorthStandard Limited
Please note that the following P&I providers are member P&I Clubs (affiliate or reinsured subsidiary) of the International Group of P&I Clubs:
- NorthStandard Limited
- North of England P&I Designated Activity Company / NorthStandard EU DAC (previously named North of England P&I DAC)
- Standard Club UK Ltd
- Standard Club Asia Ltd
- The Standard Club Ireland Designated Activity Company
For more information, please refer to the list of member (affiliate and reinsured subsidiary) P&I Clubs of the International Group on the International Group’s website and where you will find the above formally listed. Please click here for the full list of International Group Clubs and their affiliated associations.
The International Group respectfully requests that the Convention blue cards issued by the entities mentioned above are treated in accordance with the procedures for International Group Clubs’ blue cards as set out in the Guidelines contained within IMO Circular Letter No. 3464.
Please do not hesitate to contact the International Group of P&I Clubs or NorthStandard should you require any further information on the above.
Your co-operation on this matter is greatly appreciated.